Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Newbie Blogger Questions

I don't really have anything substantial to blog about today so I thought I would take this opportunity to ask my fellow bloggers to answer some questions I have about blogging. Any help that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure many others have these questions but they don't know who to ask. Please just leave a comment. Thanks so much!!!

1. How do you number the comments to make it easier to count the winner for giveaways?

2. How do you screen grab the box from and put in in a post to show the winner for a giveaway?

3. How can you get companies to approach you about reviews/giveaways?

4. What is a respectable number of followers to have before you approach companies about reviews/giveaways?

5. Is it necessary to have a facebook or twitter page to promote your giveaways?

6. Is it important to accept every blog award given to you or are most of these made up things?

7. When responding to comments should I just add another comment, send an email, or comment on the other person's blog?

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! The only ones I can help you with are 5-7. I have a facebook and twitter page for my blog and it helps alot for giveaways! I always accept the blog awards just to be nice :) But you are true, some blogger just "made them up". I get comments to come to my email address, so I just hit reply to that and it sends it to their email. Hope that helps!!
